Acrylic Jars & Cigar Minder
Add convenience and function when storing or smoking your cigars with our easy-to-use Acrylic Jar and the all-purpose Cigar Minder clip. Acrylic cigar jars are a great space-saving alternative to larger cigar humidors. These jars are see-through and include a humidifier and feature a lock-tight clasp with an exceptional seal. -- How many of us are guilty of leaving lit cigars hanging off the edge of a table? Cigar Minder Clips are great accessories for keeping lit cigars secure hands-free.
Acrylic Cigar Jar
$18.95Item# AJ25
Store up to 25 of Your Favorite Cigars with this 9" Acrylic Cigar Jar. Includes Humidifier -
Cigar Minder Clip
Starting at: $9.95
The Intelligent Cigar Minder Clip Holds Lit Cigars In Place Hands Free at a Great Price